Welcome to Pharmaquila

About Us

Sobre nosotros

We are a company created in 2009 as an industrial user of goods and services in the Free Trade Zone, strategically located in the city of Bogota.

We work with the highest quality standards in compliance to the Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practices by Invima.


We are an organization that offers logistics services of pharmaceutical products in the Free Trade Zone of Bogota. We focus our services on high quality standards in the processes of reception, specialized inventory management, secondary conditioning, picking, packing and dispatching, as well as support in export or re-dispatch activities. Pharmaceutical products requiring special conservation conditions (cold chain) are also included.


In 2025 we will be a recognized and consolidated company in the national and international pharmaceutical sector, specializing in the provision of logistics services in the Free Trade Zone, which includes reception processes, specialized inventory management, secondary conditioning, picking, packing and dispatching of pharmaceutical products, as well as supporting export or re-dispatch activities (including cold chain), sustained by high quality standards and ensuring the satisfaction of our customers.


A dedicated team

We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals

We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals

A good team in continuous training is key to offer the best service. At Pharmaquila we have a team of professionals ready to work with you.

Trained personnel

Trained personnel

We have competent personnel in charge of each of the services we offer. Professionals in pharmaceutical chemistry lead the operational processes in the plant, and personnel trained in foreign trade and logistics manage the customs processes before the Free Trade Zone User Operator.

Supply chain